Meeting the needs of women
A lot of our clients are determined women who want to take control of their financial affairs. Many have depended on others to manage their financial affairs, but life events have put them in the driver’s seat. While they are smart and savvy, many of these women realize they lack the confidence and knowledge to make the necessary and important financial decisions. These women need and want more than just investment advice. They realize they need an advisor who can ease their fears, help them rebuild their sense of safety and work with them to ensure their financial future is secure.
And do you know what is interesting? It doesn’t matter their circumstances, for some, it is divorce, death or a debilitating illness, they typically come to us with the same concerns:
- Will I be OK?
- How do I make sure I never run out of money?
- Who can I trust and help me move forward?
So we partner with them to:
- Create their Life by Design Plan that provides clear direction encouraging a greater sense of security and confidence in their financial future
- Design their Balanced Investment Strategy delicately balancing their need for safety with the necessary growth. This helps create clarity and comfort
- They become a member of our Engaging Women’s Program, which provides a proactive process and educational opportunities to become actively engaged in their financial future